Are Bioballs better than Lava Rocks for Koi Ponds?

Aquascape Biofalls is a mechanical filter that uses Bioballs to host beneficial bacteria.
Koi ponds can be a soothing getaway at home. Using the right filtration means less headache for you and more time relaxing.

When it comes to keeping a pond healthy, there are many choices of which type of filtration to use. Bioballs have been a popular choice for many years, but some people are now opting for Lava Rocks. So, which is the better option? This blog post will explore the pros and cons of each type of filtration and help you decide what is best for your pond.

What is a Bioball?

Aquascape BioBalls are a form of biological filtration media that helps to support the growth of beneficial bacteria. Each ball offers a large surface area for bacteria to colonize, and the center channel allows the balls to be strung together for easy cleaning. BioBalls will not break down over time like traditional biological media, making them a long-term filtration solution. The paddle wheel design of the balls helps to de-gas the water and maximize dissolved oxygen levels, making them an ideal choice for koi ponds. The compact size of the balls allows them to be placed in smaller spaces, making them a versatile filtration option.

Why Did Bioballs Replace Lava Rocks in Koi Ponds?

Bioballs are a good choice for koi pond filtration because they have a higher surface area than lava rocks, meaning that more beneficial bacteria can colonize them. This creates a healthier ecosystem in the koi pond. The bioballs are also easier to wash than lava rocks. In addition, Lava Rocks are so porous that eventually, they will not function in terms of space for beneficial bacteria, which means you will have to replace lava rocks much sooner than Bioballs. As a result, Aquascape bioballs are a better choice than lava rocks for koi pond filtration.

Conclusion paragraph: If you are looking for an alternative to lava rocks, bioballs may be a good option for you. Bioballs provide many of the same benefits as lava rocks but come without some of the drawbacks. If you are interested in using bioballs in your koi pond, please visit our contact page or call today at 479-268-2915