Is Wetland Filtration Right for Your Water Feature?

A constructed wetland works just like a biological filter except there is a up-flow system that recirculates the water underneath and a shallow, plant filled area with gravel to help bacteria colonization. It mimics a natural wetland and provides crystal clear water quality. If filtration was a car, think of it as the Ferrari. 

The bottom line is that constructed wetlands work, and they make any pond look natural and beautiful. Did you know more plant and animal life is associated with natural wetlands than any ecosystem in the world. By adding a wetland you are not only improving your ponds health but also adding to the diversity of nature.

Constructed wetlands are easiest to install on new projects but can also be added to existing ponds! Are you tired of poor water quality? Maybe it’s time to upgrade your pond! The difference is amazing!

Look at the water quality below!

Wetland Filtration in Rogers, Arkansas