waterfalls that disappear for backyards

Waterfalls that are Amazing and Disappearing for Your Backyard Inspiration

A waterfall can be a great focal point for any space. There are so many different types of disappearing water features that there is one for every personality and budget. Waterfalls can be grand, gushing, loud, or meandering with a soft subtle sound. They can be on a tall hillside or barely have an elevation change. Either way, a waterfall makes a statement. It’s a great talking point and can be a relaxing way to spend your time.

Below are a few different waterfalls that Cody has built over the years. These are great to use for inspiration or if you are about to hire someone to make your water feature. Remember to look at our project calculator to get a good idea of how much something like these would cost. It is a great way to make sure your budget matches your end goal. The prices on the project calculator are just estimates, but they will give you a good starting point.

Tall Waterfall on a Hillside
wide waterfall pondless pond contractor Northwest Arkansas
Low elevation wide stream with split waterfalls
Very tall stream with pinched waterfalls
low elevation meandering waterfalls
low waterfalls with sheet falls.

Looking for information on how to take care of water features? Check out our blog for the latest tips and tricks.

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