choosing filter media types

Choosing a Filter Media Density

You need a new filter pad and go online to search for one. Then you find there are so many types that you are unsure which one to pick. Use this guide to help end your filter media density headache. Skip to the bottom to buy new filter pads!


High Density

Suitable for Mechanical filtration systems like skimmers. In skimmers, you want to catch as many of the smaller particles as possible. High-Density Filter Media for Koi ponds is designed to catch all the tiny pieces floating around in the water. The best practice for maintaining is to remove from the skimmer and occasionally rinse.

Low Density

Great for biological filters like Biofalls that sit at the “top” of the pond. At the beginning of your koi pond circulation, the biological filter media pad is really just a home for beneficial bacteria to multiply. These beneficial bacteria attach to the surface area. Then, it colonizes and keeps your ecosystem in balance by eating nitrogenous waste (fish poo and decaying debris). Its job isn’t to catch the small particles, although it does fairly decent at that, low-density filter pads are the home for all the good stuff to make your pond healthy.


  • Instead of finding the replacement part number to replace the exact filter pad, a cheaper alternative is to buy a uniform pad and cut it to the size you need.
  • When cleaning out your filter mats, rinse them until the water coming out is clear. The garden is a great spot to rinse them to give your plants some extra nutrients!
  • Add beneficial bacteria back into your pond after washing filter media pads. This will reestablish the bacteria and give your ecosystem pond a boost.
  • If you layer media pads, put the lowest density where the water goes through it first.
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Choosign Filter Media Density for your Koi Pond Filter Mat Replacement
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