The Benefits of Being a Traveling Water Feature Contractor

As a traveling water feature contractor, we have the unique opportunity to work in some amazing places all over the United States. From the usual Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma to Southern Florida, California, and Michigan, we’ve had the pleasure of building water features for some incredible clients. Although being away from family can be difficult, there are some unique aspects that of being a traveling contractor. Let’s explore the benefits and challenges of being a traveling water feature contractor.

Organization is Key:

When working long distance projects, it’s important that our workflow is precise so that we can optimize our limited time on location. That means having every single detail lined out before we even get there. This level of organization not only helps us when completing a job, but also helps us get to know our clients better and build relationships with them more efficiently even from a distance.

pondless waterfall
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Opportunity for Growth:

We like to say, “We sleep in Oklahoma and live in Arkansas.”

In the South, family means something big. Our home town of Stilwell, Oklahoma may not seem like much to a lot of people but it packs a big punch of family for each of our team members. It puts us in the perfect location for an industry that is small but mighty.

Traveling even farther often opens doors to new opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise be available if we stayed put in one place. Because we travel so much, we’ve been able to work on bigger and better projects than ever before and collaborate with some amazing people along the way. Working on different projects in different locations allows us to expand our skillset and gain valuable experience as contractors.

Explore Different Places:

One of the best parts about being a traveling water feature contractor is getting to explore different places around the country. We always love getting out of our comfort zone and experiencing new cultures, sights, sounds, tastes – you name it! It’s an amazing feeling getting to go somewhere new for work instead of just going there for vacation – it makes it all feel much more special!

Our Process:

We want to make sure we create something that will exceed your expectations. To do this, our process begins with a consultation in which we address any needs or wants you may have and discuss the environment – from challenges like terrain to location type. We’ll then generate an insightful design along with a quote so you can select the best solution given what’s available for your project. Once it is approved, our team schedules supplies ranging from rocks and other materials right down to equipment necessary for constructional purposes; finally ready set up building processes onsite until completion of the job no matter rain or shine! Learnmore about our start to finish process here.

Being a traveling water feature contractor can be both rewarding and challenging at times; however, it definitely has its advantages. From gaining invaluable experience to exploring new places around the country, being a traveling contractor can open up many doors of opportunity while allowing us to continue growing as contractors. If you ever find yourself in need of a quality water feature contractor who will come right to your door (or wherever else!), look no further! We would love to help make your dream project become reality!

Contact us today.

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