When to Start Feeding Koi

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced koi fish enthusiast, it’s important that you understand the basics of feeding your koi fish. It’s not as simple as throwing food into the pond and expecting your koi to thrive. There are certain rules and guidelines that must be followed in order for your koi fish to remain healthy and happy. A key rule is that you should never start feeding koi fish until the water temperature is consistently above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Here’s why!

The Reason Behind the Rule

When water temperatures drop below 50°F, koi fish enter a state of dormancy known as “torpor”. This means they won’t be eating and won’t require any food until the water temperatures begin to rise again. If food is introduced during this period, it will remain unprocessed in the stomach, causing gut rot and other serious health problems for your beloved koi. So, it’s best to wait until the water reaches at least 50°F before introducing food into their diet.

How To Determine Water Temperature

It’s important that you know how to accurately gauge water temperatures if you want to feed your koi correctly. The most reliable method is by using a digital thermometer—it will allow you to get an accurate reading of both surface and bottom temperatures in real-time. You can also take advantage of modern technology; many pond owners now use Wi-Fi enabled thermometers which provide real-time readings on their smartphones or tablets!


Feeding your koi correctly is essential if you want them to stay healthy and happy all year round! Remember that they should never be fed when water temperatures are below 50°F, because food will remain unprocessed in their stomachs and cause gut rot. Invest in a reliable thermometer so you can accurately measure the temperature before beginning their feeding regimen! With these tips, your koi will always stay healthy and vibrant all year long!

Visit our store and order yours today!

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