What is an Aquascape Rainwater Collection System?

Do you love the look of a well-manicured garden with a beautiful fountain or waterfall centerpiece? If you’re like most people, the answer is yes. What you may not know is that you can have that same look in your backyard while collecting rainwater to run the feature, irrigation, or for the garden. And it all starts with an Aquascape rainwater harvesting system. In this blog post, we’ll discuss rainwater harvesting and how an Aquascape system can help you stylishly collect rainwater!

Rainwater harvesting is the practice of collecting rainwater for use. It has been used for centuries as a way to water crops, provide drinking water for livestock and humans, and even as a way to flush toilets! Today, rainwater harvesting is becoming increasingly popular to conserve water. In many areas of the country, water restrictions are in place due to drought conditions. By collecting rainwater, you can help reduce the demand on your municipality’s water supply and do your part to conserve this precious resource.

How can I harvest rain?

An Aquascape rainwater harvesting system is a complete rainwater management solution that includes everything you need to collect rainwater from your roof and store it for later use. Aquascape rainwater harvesting systems are designed to blend in with your landscape and can be customized to match the look of your home. They are available in various colors and materials, so you’re sure to find one that fits your style.

What does a rainwater harvesting system look like?

Aquascape rainwater harvesting systems are installed by Certified Aquascape Contractors just like us! It includes a filtration system and underground storage components and has many decorative options, from fountains to streams and waterfalls. Below are just a few options:

If you’re looking for a way to conserve water and add a stylish element to your landscape, an Aquascape rainwater harvesting system is the perfect solution. Contact us today to learn more about rainwater harvesting and how an Aquascape system can benefit you!

Looking to add a water feature to your landscape? Aquascape has a variety of rainwater harvesting systems that can be customized to fit your needs. Contact us today to learn more!